Sunday School
Adult Sunday School Classes
Salem UMC offers a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages. If you would like assistance in finding a class that fits your needs contact the church office or email Below is a map of the church campus to orient where the classes meet. We will be happy to connect you with members of the class if you would like to visit.
This class is lead by Paul Morgan. Typical studies are verse by verse scripture study, profiles of different prophets, apostles and other people in the Bible, or a book study. The A-team class is made up of mid-40s to mid-60s but welcome anyone to try out the class structure. The class meets in Room #14 behind the Sanctuary (see map below).
The Bethel Class is led by Randall and Sherri Wilchman. They meet in Room #17 off of the Fellowship Hall and study a diverse range of topics connected to scripture. Lessons are discussion-oriented, and expression of different perspectives through respectful listening and open minds is encouraged. They recently finished a study of the Sermon on the Mount and are beginning a lesson series by The Wired Word, which looks at a current event each week through the lens of scripture and faith. Class members enjoy getting together outside of the church for fellowship and special events whenever possible. The Bethel Class includes members spanning a broad range of ages. Class participation is also available each week via Zoom for those unable to attend in person.
The Crusaders Class is the longest continuing Sunday school Class of SUMC. It's loyal history began in the 1970's, to meet the need for a class for young adults and couples. The Class Coordinator is Barbara Kane, and it meets in Room #12 behind the Sanctuary . Topics for learning and discussion follow the current interests of the group. Monthly opportunities to meet outside of regular Sunday mornings have included field trips to restaurants, plays, cruises, weekend retreats, and various get-togethers in members' homes. The Crusaders have a high priority to support SUMC. Members volunteer as a group or individually at nearly every event or activity. The class regularly donates from their treasury to deserving ministries and always gives support to a needy family at Christmas. The mission of the Crusaders Class is to build up disciples, and send them out to bring others to Christ.
They meet behind the sanctuary in room #12.
Legacy Builders
This class is for adults raising children to be our next legacy. The group is lead by Aaron & Jenna Jones. Topics include Christian parenting, relationships, and more. This class currently meets in the Legacy Class (Room #6 on the map below) in the Children's wing and supports each other with the everyday struggles of raising a family. This class is typically couples or individuals that are raising children in their household.
Map Legend
Pastor's Office
Church Office
Children's Big Room
Children's Big Room
Legacy Classroom
Children's Classroom
3rd-5th Grade Classroom
K-2nd Grade Classroom
Pre-K Classroom
Crusaders Classroom
Choir Room
A-Team Classroom
Kaneraisers Classroom
Missions Room
Bethel Classroom
Fellowship Hall
EPIC Youth House
Boy Scout Room
Salem Superstars 4-H Room
Resource Library