This year, we are looking to have a ONE day VBS extravaganza! We are taking a trip to camp for Camp Firelight! Join Lumen (Lu), our lightning bug mascot, to learn to face our fears while trusting in God. We explore Bible stories to learn how to face our fears.
We will look at the story of Ruth and learn how to trust God to lead our way and how the good news of Jesus can spark joy in our lives!
Following our VBS, we will have a Back to School Bash where we will be serving snacks, have games, and loads of fun for everyone to enjoy!
VBS Registration Information
Salem Kids and friends (3 years to entering 5th grade) will come together on August 3 to learn bible stories and seeing how great is our God.
Sign up using the linked form to register your child for Salem UMC's VBS for 2024. Please fill out the registration form or click the button below.
This year we will only be serving a lunch during VBS hours, please plan for the following schedule.
9:45 am - 10:00 am Check in
10:00 am Opening "Campfire" in Sanctuary
3:00 pm Closing "Campfire" in Sanctuary
3:30 pm Dismissal from Sanctuary
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Back to School Bash on SUMC Grounds
VBS Volunteer
We want you as a volunteer for our 2024 VBS Camp Firelight! All of our adult volunteers work through the Arkansas UMC Safe Gatherings system. This includes training to work with children of all ages and background checks.
We have opportunity for volunteers of a variety of ages and capacity. There are options for everything from prayer partners, food servers, camp counselors, and more! Just talk to Lori Canada or Catherine Holland to find the position that works best for you!
All volunteers are required to attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, May 19 at 4:00 pm in the sanctuary. During this meeting we will be going through details for the day along with information about your volunteer role. We will also help anyone needing assistance with the Safe Gatherings approval.
Back to School Bash
We are excited to host our Back to School Bash again this year. We are planning loads of fun activities for everyone in the family to enjoy. We will begin immediately after the conclusion of Camp Firelight VBS.
More details to come soon!
Mission Project
We strive to instill a mission mindset with our members, down to our youngest helpers. This year we will be collecting backpacks & headphones for local schools. Bring donated items to VBS and we will distribute them to schools in our area!
Last year we were able to provide over 50 backpacks, 31 headphones, and 18 water bottles for students in Benton and Bryant elementary schools.
Please bring donations to the campus to support our community by August 4.